Life and Change

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Today I was actually planning to write about something entirely different, but something fun happened to me. My dad wrote a little story about two friends playing chess and how they were comparing the game, the moves, and the pieces to life. He wanted me to read it for him and tell him my opinion, which I did. I thought it was a great article, and what I learn from it is something that I seem to forget a lot, but should always be in my mind – because it has the potential to provide the strength you need in some of the hardest times.

The message my dad was trying to convey on his story (and I’m quoting here) is ”He aprendido que, en la vida, nosotros no queremos cambiar, nos resistimos, tenemos miedo. Sin embargo, si no cambias te extingues. El miedo debe incitarte a la acción.” Which I’ll translate for you guys (:

“I’ve learn that, in life, we don’t like changing, we resist it, we’re afraid. However, if you don’t change you’ll become extinct. Fear should encourage you to act.”

It may not be the best translation, but it works (: To me, this reminded me of how life is exactly that: CHANGE. Change might be the only constant we have in our existences. Change has always been and will always be there. So hey, we might as well get used to it, right?…But, just how do you get used to change?

As we know, change happens all around us, everyday, all the time. Sometimes, we have the chance to slowly get used to it; but some other times, it might come suddenly and dramatically. I think that something very important for us to remember about change is that, everything is always changing and…so shall we. If everything is always moving and always taking a different direction, then we should become part of that change, be a little bit different everyday. Keeping always in mind, of course, that this change should be for the better.

So today, I want to share my personal project with you guys. I want to always improve myself in one way or another. I’ll start trying to do something that will make me change and improve. Today, it might be going to bed early and trying to do the same thing from now on. Tomorrow, it might be to learn to drive a car (yes, I still don’t know how to drive, don’t make fun of me). Either small or big, the change has to be for the better, it has to help us become better people, not only in a way that we can improve, but also in a way that will allow us to be of better service to others.

I hope it goes well for me and if anyone wants to try this with me, I wish it goes well for you too (: Everyone, have a great day!!

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