Do something you enjoy

I’m back! After the finals exams in college almost kicked my butt, the semester is done and I can finally relax from school for a bit. Of course, I’ll spend most of my spring and summer working, but that’s ok (: Taking a break from school does have its benefits: no homework, essays, tests, etc etc and there’s a lot of free time to make friends, play, be lazy, or catch up with your favorite show (Supernatural! ^^). However, that free time can sometimes be TOO MUCH free time, which sometimes can mean…time for your mind to get worked up with your fears and thoughts.

Lately, I’ve been feeling my anxiety come and go in waves…or more precisely, peaks. While I was in classes I always had my mind busy with something and I tried to really focus on it (which by the way gave me my best term in college so far, awesome gpa ^^) but now that I’m on vacation, my mind can wander to unwanted places and thoughts. Whenever I spent too much time laying around in bed doing nothing, my mind starts thinking of the future, of everything that can go wrong…and I know my fears are irrational, but I’m still afraid.

In order to solve this, I decided to fill every minute of my spring and summer break with something. And that is the goal I want to share with you all, and also encourage you to do it too: Don’t give your mind a chance to have those negative thoughts; if you have some free time, use it doing something you love.
For me, that something I love is crafting. So far I’ve done pillows, headbands, bracelets, and other kinds of stuff. Now, I’m not saying I’m an expert…perhaps I’m not even good at it, but I enjoy it a lot! lol Anyways, I think doing something you really enjoy helps you relax and focus your mind on something else other than your anxiety or worrying thoughts. It has been helping me so far, so I hope it’ll help you guys too. Please share your experiences and tell me how this goes for you!

Have a great week everyone :)

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